salam readers:invi readers o followers!thanx!
ok ni nak cerita sikit pasal INTERVIEW pagi tadi.kalau yg tau tu,baguslah!korg mmg da best.klau yg xtau tu xpe,cek nak cita noh kat hampa! :)
ok mlm td(17/1/2011),berlangsung di Lecture Hall B,telah diadakn briefing tok ALLHS! ape tu??Allied Health Sciences or nama melayu dia sains kesihatan bersekutu!
ok korang mesti xtau kan pe benda tah course ni.sbb course ni baru start 2003!baru kan?hehe.
ok generally ALLHS ni,dia ade 4 course yg dia tawarkan.
1. optometry(mata)
2. audiology (telinga)
3. dietician (pakar pemakanan)
4. radiology (ala yg x-ray tu)!
haa tp thn ni,dia nak tambah 1 lagi course kat kuliyyah ALLHS ni iaitu PHYSIOTHERAPY! ok masa mula2 aku dgr physio ni,aku xske sbb mlm td pas dia brief each course detailly,aku jatuh hati lak kat physio ni! mmg best job scope jangan PANDANG RENDAH COURSE2 NI!AMARAN! aku taula,da ramai PERLI AKU sbb amek ALLHS ni.taula POINTER KORANG TINGGI MENGGUNUNG(LAGI2 BUDAK MATRIX)n budak UIA pon sama je,JANGAN LA KO PANDANG RENDAH KAT COURSE 'BAWAHAN' ni!haaa ni da emo sket,sorry.sbb slalu dpt msg kat inbox tny,
"ko xnak tukar course ke?"
"apa yg best course ni?"
"boley dpt scholar ke ni?'
"nanti kerja tolong doktor jela kan?"
bapak hina n keji bila org ckp mcm tu!jangan ingat dpt critical course ko tu hebat sangat!aku benci org mcm kau!humble sudah.even pointer aku biasa2 je.ko lagi tinggi kan?
manelah tau aku n dak2 course allhs ni score better dr korang,baru padan muka ko!
masa tu ko taula langit ni tinggi ke rendah! WATCH OUT!
ok da mls nk emo,mood turn!hehehe :)
ok back to the topic,INTERVIEW!
ok td tlh diadakn interview tok pilih course2 ni.cuak gila tp xdelah cuak mne pon.cuak sket tu pasti.(kalau spe langsung x nervous tu,korg abnormal weyh)!
start pukul 9! aku pon pagi td bgn dengan semangatnya!pegi toilet nk amek air smayang,tgk2 DAMN XDE AIR!!!ya Allah,npe la ko uji kesabaran aku pagi2 ni. 1 halangan ni xsusah,pegila amek smayang kat toilet. nasib ade air. pas smayang nak mandi lak,XDE AIR lagi??!menyampah nye.sabar2 manetau halangan ni boley buat berjaya kat interview,terima dgn hati terbuka.pegila menompang mandi.nasib ade air. nasib turn aku no 43! so aku dtg lewat sket td.dtg2 je tgk2 org lain da sign attendace sume n duduk2.
macam2 mimik muka dpt aku tgk,muka tahan berak(mostly laki)hahaha sbb xde air!hahahaha.pastu muka cuak,muka mintak penampar,muka gothic!muka tahan nangis.haish mcm2.mmg klakar.
tunggu punya tunggu,lambatnye.dala no 43.sume pompuan lak tu last2.mmg aku sorg je laki xpe,pompuan xde hal.haha.dala mostly pompuan pilih DIETICIAN! aku tau sbb pe,pompuan gemok kot,i mean sng naik badan!hahaha.lagi2 pas beranak!thats y td sume pilih diet!sume nak kurus!xde ke org nk gemok??dunia je.hahaha.
ok short cut jelah.
tyme dlm bilik interview!
jeng! jeng! jeng!
ada 2 laki,1 pompuan.specifically,laki ni sorg optometrist,sorg audiologist.
akak ni radiologist!
masuk2 je dia cakap,ok please sit according to what i said.
1st tu nama dia sape tah(pompuan), bro hakim no 2, then ade 3 lagi dak pompuan yg aku xpna nampak n kenal dia sape.soryy..
ok start with u,please tell us ur top 3 courses!
gurl tu mintak 1st diet,then ak xingat apa.sbb cuak sgt.
bro hakim,what would u choose.
H: ok my name is abdul hakim b mansor.i wouldlike to choose
1) physiotherapy
2) optometry
3) dietician
o(optometrist): why do u choose physiotherapy?
H: i choose physio because i like to know more about the therapy! infact i love biology so much so thats y i choose physio.(ade byk lagi aku ckp,tp mls nak tulis)!hahaha
A(audiologist): ok tell me bout urself.
H: actually allhs is my 2nd choice in upu.i manage to get LAW as my first choice but my parents dont allowed me to take law quite disappointed,but then after ive consult the deputy dean administration,he suggest me to take allhs courses as my spm also pass the minimum requirement!haha
O: ohh thats y i saw u difference from the other candidates.i think i saw ur credibility as a lawyer u know.(masa tu bangga skejap).u talk very confidence,i think u should take law courses instead of allhs.
H: but my parents dont allowed me to take law courses..n i had set my final decision to take physio as my courses.
O: if i give u law courses,do u wanna take it?
H: my pleasure.but i think ill not take it.ill rather choose allhs n specifically physio.
all of them; ok thats all i wanna ask.
all of them: any question??
H: if im not chosen to allhs,which courses will i be sent?
A: i will give u a choice whether kuliyyah of bioscience or kuliyyah of nursing..
H: ok thanx sir.
nilah gambaran interview tadi!